Monday, February 15, 2010


we were struck with the idea of painting on canvases lately. its a good idea too. the pictures posted on here are only a fiew of the pieces we finished. and more are soon to come. we are still searching for spots to paint. the problem is getting in touch with people... but we'll figure it out. we also started working on clothing. after painting for a few hours we hit up Waffle house. good stuff. more posts on the way!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

most recently

i write 'sneak'...or basically any formation of that word. e.g. sneak, sneako, sneaker, sneaks etc. most recently i had the great honor of painting the set for a play at the AL school of fine arts in downtown Birmingham. my fellow crew member, who writes many names but mostly 'saint' could not accompany me. i got lucky and the school decided to pay for the paint. so of course why settle for anything but the best? i went to the local art supplier in Birmingham, forstall art supply, and copped Montana Gold. some of the best paint I've ever used to this day. anyway, i spent maybe four hours painting the stage. and i got to keep the thirty or so cans that were left over. so right now I'm fairly stacked. got some pictures of the main piece i painted..i have some others but haven't had the time to upload them.

Friday, February 12, 2010

getting started

the RAE crew. RAE- Reforming Art Everywhere.
i guess I'll start at the beginning. about a year ago my best friend and i got pretty serious about graffiti. first a disclaimer- we both know we are not the best. we don't claim to be the kings for the southeast, or even AL, the state in which this journey got started. we write graffiti legally. it has become a passion. our goal is to further graffiti as a respected art form. we don't really care about what people say. we know that getting hated on is just a part of it. we do listen to our supporters. so as this blog moves forward we hope to gain support and show our progress.